Rashes in babies and children
Many things can cause a rash in babies and children, and they’re often nothing to worry about.
The NHS provide support for identifying some of the common rashes in babies and children.
NHS: Rashes in babies and childrenNHS vaccinations and when to have them
It’s important that vaccines are given on time for the best protection. Check the dates your child needs to have their vaccinations by and contact your GP.
NHS vaccinations and when to have themStart for Life
Trusted NHS help and advice during pregnancy, birth and parenthood.
Start for LifeHealthier Together
Health and service information and advice for children, young people, families, carers and pregnant women can be found at BLMK Healthier Together.
www.blmkhealthiertogether.nhs.ukBedford Twins Club
Regular meetings and a support network across Bedford.
www.bedfordtwinsclub.co.ukEarly Childhood Partnership
The ECP offers a full range of free services to expectant parents/carers and families with children up to the age of 5.
www.ecpbedford.orgBedford local offer
Bedford Borough’s Local Offer website sets out information about services and support available for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disability (SEND) who are aged 0 to 25. The information describes what is on offer from education, health, leisure and social care services for those with SEND and their parents/carers.
You will also find information about childcare settings, childminders and early help support for all families.
Child health
Page published: 9 May 2023
Last updated: 1 November 2024